Foundry Committee Meeting, 10-12-15 @7pm

Foundry Committee meeting to elect chair for next six months is scheduled for Monday, October 12th at 7pm.

Be there or send a proxy.

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I plan on making it to it.

I will have to miss it, I have to help load for my Ark show. Leaving early on Tues morning.

Foundry meeting is tonight. The stated goal is to nominate a chair, if there is enough interest we may brainstorm some ideas to plan out the next six months.


Nathan @Nathan_Jones did a great job at last night’s foundry committee meeting. He laid out a training schedule for the next few months and solicited inputs from the group for future classes. He also gave a budget report and explained what his plans are for spending. The most immediate purchase is a slab roller which should add another dimension to the techniques we can teach in the foundry, that of slab building. Lastly, he indicated he was going to get other committee members to assist more in the management of the foundry shop area. (Read that cleaning up and putting things away amongst other things).

All in all we had a great meeting and I’m looking forward to Nathan’s leadership in the foundry.


I am willing to teach some classes using slabs. The first two that come to mind is a 'modern fossil ’ one (for jewelry or tiles/wallpieces and a box class.

We’ll look at setting a date once the slab roller gets here. It’s on order, I’m just waiting for it to ship.