Found: Large bit in automotive

Found this big ol bit in automotive. I’ve moved it to L&F

That’s appears to be a ball nose end mill.

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So would it belong in The garage then? Part of a die set?

Was found on the donation shelf. Max left it somewhere. Ball end mill. Machine Shop might want it - otherwise put it back on the donation shelf.

@TBJK … Last I checked we had darn few ball nose end mills. If it’s in decent shape, please consider taking it for the committee.

I’m assuming that it’s brand new because it looks to be sealed with wax or plastic…

Wax can just as easily be a regrind. In fact most new come in plastic sleeves. I don’t recall seeing new ones in wax.


It was on the free shelf. I forgot to move it to the machine shop cabinet. It’s an HSS regrind, not sure where it came from

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Next time I’m around (or whoever beats me to it) can move it to the machine shop cabinet in that case.


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