As a member here for almost a year, I’ve watched the various struggles and difficulties. My personal background includes more years than I’d care to admit involved in organizational finance, risk management, and litigation management, among other things. I’ve been a member here for almost a year, and come to love the place. I’ve made many friends, and spend a lot of time volunteering in the woodshop. I want the Space to survive and prosper. But I see several problems, and ask you potential candidates to provide your thoughts, so that I and others like me, might know better for whom we vote.
From the National Council of NonProfits:
Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.
Our finances are broken, and endanger the survival of the Space. - There has been an ongoing effort to move to double entry accounting, but little input beyond meetings, with anyone that actually knows and understands organizational accounting. I have seen no assurances that the current process (occasional advisory meetings with a retired accountant) will produce a result that will pass GAAP standards and be auditable, and absolutely no discussion about implementing the policies and controls necessary to do this. We cannot survive a financial audit. Having an accurate set of books would be a good start. But we will also need to develop a means to perform checks and balances on spending authority, appropriations, and track expenses. And first and foremost, we need accurate and timely information and projections that allow the Board to make informed log-term decisions - not gambling on monthly Voodoo. The single most important responsibility of a Board member is to manage our money. Nothing else comes even remotely close to this responsibility, and nothing else subjects a Board member to as much Civil and/or Criminal liability. This needs fixing, and it needs fixing now. What will you do?
There is no executive at the space. An executive, is a group of people, appointed by the Board, charged with operating the space, and authorized by written policies, to perform various actions related to the day by day management necessary to run it, including the actual spending of money (previously authorized by the board). Given that a Board member has no authority to make any decision whatsoever, in the absence of a noticed meeting at which a quorum is present, what will you do to address this serious lack of managerial oversight, and eliminate the need for board members to try to be all things to all people. The Board has too many important responsibilities, to be reduced to “calling the plumber”. They need to be Board members. What will you do?
There is a growing sentiment, that the Space has become dominated by a smallish group of people who tend to want to do everything, and control everything. This seems reinforced by a lack of attempts to reach out to new members, and recruit them into volunteerism or leadership roles. New members are left to their own devices, and membership turnover is alarmingly high. The terms “good ole boys” and “clique” are not infrequently heard. Those wanting to volunteer to help, are often ignored, and feel pushed away. What will you do?
I realize lots of other folks may have thoughts on these matters, but how about letting our future decision makers speak first?