For the betterment of Makerspace

I have been at makerspace for a few years now, and I am the Science chair, I love it and I am absolutely obsessed with Science. I read Chemistry, Physics, Space, Microbiology or anything else for fun. It is my hobby.

I realize that woodshop and laser attract most of the new membership, I was thinking perhaps I should cancel our classes in Science for 3-6 months and keep most of the honorarium class available for those two committees? We need to face the facts of what is drawing most people to the space, we are losing money right now and need a correction. @ [shoottx]


While I certainly appreciate your willingness to sacrifice I suggest making absolutely certain that canceling science classes is a wise choice before taking action. For example, it is my understanding that the making soap classes are well attended and wildly popular. It is certainly possible that people join or remain members because of classes like those.


My gf and I are interested in science. We attended both the soap and platting class. I think there can be balance between having classes in all sections and giving priority to other popular areas.


One thing I’ve been considering for my project classes is to make them events, maybe charging a token amount through Eventbrite or on site via my Square account. The science classes could play that same way. Maybe make them a $5 thing, so students are paying $5 to Science. I am assuming that one can charge for an event…

For all that Cairenn complains about poor people being deterred by a class fee, we clearly need to bump up our intake (while lowering our outgo). And, I’ve been deterred from taking a few things by the (necessary) material fees at times. For those that AREN’T stone-broke, $5 isn’t going to break you.


Interdisciplinary is what makes the makerspace special. I love that science has been doing these approachable classes and dovetailing in with everyone else. That is what makes people pick us over the other local spaces. If anything, the popular comittees should be forgoing and doing the eventbrite hustle.


f my I am taking all of my classes out of the honorarium sister I am taking all of my classes out of the honorarium system . I well use Avent bride or PayPal or something to ask for a donation are a small fee to defray cost of supplies. This might be an excellent plant time for folks to do test runs of classes they’ve been thinking about but weren’t sure could get enough of people in Hurst folks interested in them.

We need to maintain a large calendar of classes to help to attract new members. There has been a couple of lecture type classes that I have been thinking about doing for several years I’m going to do them now. We have a little bit extra space right now so I don’t feel like I would be keeping someone from teaching a class. This is a time to do lectures our discussion classes
Finally managed to edit it it only took 10 minutes and 3 of 10 I hope it makes a little more sense now that doesn’t sound well dirty did believe in president as he famously put it I’m an originalist but.

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The science area is one of my favorites, and I hope you keep putting up classes, even if you have to find another way to fund them.

Looking forward to ferro fluid etal!
(and I need to refind the soxhlet equipment😊)


Essential oil distillation and soap making were some of the very first classes I took. I would hate to see classes go. I heard folks on a tour last night oh and awe when the guide talked about these two classes.


The science classes are the kind of thing that are a great member draw. I know back when I first joined and was giving tours the science stuff being demo’d was always a draw.

Maybe consider trying to find more volunteer teachers that don’t care about the honorarium? Or go with Eventbrite.

There are options, but I don’t think cutting off the science classes completely is prudent. The belt tightening is supposed to mitigate the real problem, which is a stagnation in membership. Losing things that draw members would be counter to the fundamental problem.


I absolutely loved the soap class and easily would pay $5-$10 for it.


There is a difference between cancelling all classes and cancelling honorarium classes. Would you consider continuing to offer a class or two, but not request honorarium? This would allow you to continue to share what you love with the membership.


One of the things I love about Makerspace is the VARIETY of classes in many different disciplines. While there are a couple of particularly popular areas, that doesn’t negate the need or interest in others. Please don’t stop classes in science


The two things that got me to join was we got the rolling mail and we had a science committee where I’m I could do science. That sort of collapse with some bad experiences and that committee at that time. But I stayed around anyway and by the time things are got straightened out now I can’t see the deuce on it curse word curse word curse word

The science classes are why i showed up on my first day at DMS…

When we get a new autoclave you can probably talk me into a germination class so long as you have some teaching material for me to follow. Same thing with the fume hood and more chemistry type classes. Maybe like one or two a month. May have to twist my arm a tiny bit. :joy:

Edit: supposed to be aimed at Josh


You could cut down on the number. Maybe only 2 every weekend at most.

At the @Committee_Chairs request, I analyzed the event calendar data to determine what proportion of honorarium classes were offered per committee. They were instructed by @Julie-Harris to adjust the percentages at the B&B meeting to accommodate glassworks and printmaking. No committee should be going without honorarium classes.

Just so we are all on the same page- classes per committee was not discussed at our meeting. I think you know this. At this point we are waiting for the board to decide what to implement before we decide if we even need to worry about who gets what.

I assume that honorarium can still be directed toward any committee, no matter the subject, right? If it seems other committees need the funding more, couldn’t you continue the classes and simply redirect the funding? If it’s a matter of using this as an opportunity to reduce workload, though, I would certainly understand that.

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No, ma’am, I did not know this. A new PM was opened by someone after the B&B for you all to continue discussion and I was not included on it, which is perfectly OK. I took that to mean the private Careflight/Data Analysis thread had served its mission and you all were implementing the percentages. Thank you for the update. Much appreciated.