Foot Shear usage

I was hoping to use the foot shear to cut some 16 ga steel into coupons. I want to use them to practice my MIG welding skills (or lack there of). Do I need to be checked out to use the foot shear?

No you do not. There are files on the metal shop committee drive to use it.

It’s spot training, and several folks from Metal Shop can do it. I’m out of town, but hope someone else is available.

Thanks. I’ll just look for someone next time I am down.

Just keep in mind the shear is a “Stomp” shear. No heavier material than 16 gauge mild steel. 20 stainless


and remember the most important rule, keep your feet out from under the foot peddle. Won’t do it but once.


Thanks Guys.

It is not even spot training; we have instructional slides for those who are unfamiliar on our committee share.

Once in a blue moon we have a full class to teach making boxes, but these have been rare recently.

However if you still aren’t comfortable after reviewing the slides, feel free to track one of us down.


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Jim, I have used a foot shear before but am far from an expert. I would e very interested in an instructional pack. I have looked in the Wiki under this tool and I only found the factory user manual. If there is more could you point me to it?


Here’s a link to the slide deck:

It’s also located on our committee drive on the DMS network share.


Thank you Jim
