Hey peeps,
I was about to use the laser and was doing the Z focus adjust, I then heard a loud pop sound and the laser turned off.
It will not turn back on when switching the key back and forth.
Hey peeps,
I was about to use the laser and was doing the Z focus adjust, I then heard a loud pop sound and the laser turned off.
It will not turn back on when switching the key back and forth.
When I was there an hour or so ago they were having Z issues and had to hit the emergency stop.
Thanks for letting us know it’s down, Frank!
'n Ken, thanks for the additional details!
I would like to take this time to remind members… Please always let us know ASAP any time something happens that may have an impact on the safe use of the laser. This includes; but, is not limited to, if something happens that involves “crashing” and/or requires using the eStop. This will allow us to make sure someone can check it out to help ensure it doesn’t happen again (and that any damage that may have occurred gets repaired ASAP). If you aren’t sure and don’t want to post publicly (like maybe someone made a mistake - because we are all human afterall…), feel free to send a PM to William (@william_petefish) and me (@LisaSelk) so we can let the rest of the Laser Committee know and get someone to double-check everything sooner than later. Thanks so much!
Is the laser still down?
Yes it is currently still down.
Thanks Alex.
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Hello Alex
Any updates on the laser?
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Nothing yet. Consider it down till someone posts here stating it is back up. It is up to the Laser committee to fix and depending on what happened, it could be a while. The loud pop someone heard is worrisome. Please be patient as this is all done on volunteer time.
Thanks Alex will wait. Just trying to plan for the next week or two.
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I’d like to poke around it and see what I could find, but I don’t want to void any warranties or get in anyone’s way of productive repairs. I wouldn’t be doing this any time soon, either.
A loud pop usually means a capacitor blew. It might be repaired without too much trouble, once we have a replacement capacitor. Of course, this would be easier if we had that utility cart that we were discussing several weeks ago.
I’m disappointed it happened when I was ready to try a new design idea. Oh well. Please keep me posted if you can.
I should be able to take a more in depth look at it tonight.
We’ll see what it needs then.
If the laser is down, will the certification class still take place tomorrow (Jan 28)?
Yes, the class will proceed as scheduled, but won’t include a live cut unless the laser is back online.
Any Status on the Laser? Still Down?
Last I heard as of last night is that the laser is up now. I could be wrong though. I did see some of what happened. The main fuse that was integrated into the power receptacle on the laser blew in a very destructive way, causing some damage to the receptacle.
Here’s the status report @Romeo_Espana gave:
So lasers cutting again
There was damage to the PS so we sub’d in the old/repaired supply
Fixed the auto focus again
It one shots stadard acylic
I gave it a very quick clean and lube
Outstanding !. I’m planning to attend the 3D training and the laser training the 28th.
Pretty sure @Romeo_Espana and @william_petefish were still working on it when I left around midnight last night. Thanks for getting it going guys.
http://dallasmakerspace.org/cgi-bin/toolstatus.cgi says down currently