Fix a luggage zipper pull

What would you suggest to make this luggage zipper pull usable again? Thanks!


I’ve had decent success in the past by using solder and a electronics soldering iron to affix small metals like this.

The main issue you would have with that approach is soldering it where it sits would ruin the plastic zipper parts it is running along.

Maybe a glue of sorts? Do you have the small metal part, or would you need to make/find something to replace it?

Rough the surface. A blob of JB weld. Then drill a hole from one side to another and put a cord through to create a pull loop.
Might not work but worth a try. Don’t get any on the zipper or you’re done.

Pic here for inspiration


The metal of the pull is likely NOT brazeable/weldable. I’d go with JB Weld like @motopilot suggested or (even better) a two-part epoxy putty (like JB Weld Steek Stik) which would be less likely to run down into into the teeth of the zipper.


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