keep them peepers peeped- vacuum formers first class is november 18th at 7pm. only 10 spots available. lets roll out these classes and have everyone learning on this thing!!!
I dont see it on the events page, is it posted yet
its probably in the 72 hour review period, it should post up Sunday/Monday.
How often are they going to offer this class? I see if listed only once for the month of December and it’s already full.
There were 8 teachers trained. If this one is full try seeing if someone can 1 on 1 with you. I will update the wiki on trainers tonight after the resin class so people can have names instead of blindly wandering around.
Thanks, that would be great!
@axeonos I didn’t see the list of trainers on the wiki yet. Are there any trainers that would have the time to go over the Formech 508FS with me this week or next?
holidays suck… that being said if i am not available theres a list of people you can contact
I have a class on Friday 12/09. if you want to take the class it’s short and direct. just stop by at the appointed time.
I’m at the space every Monday in the conference room doing finance from 5pm-till whenever. Poke your head in and I can show you how to use the vacuum former. Do you have a mold or buck and some plastic? I have some 6" & 12" styrene if needed.
Awesome thanks @Lampy , I’ll stop by Monday around 5:30pm. I have a mold and some styrene. I also have some PETG sheets that I’ll bring!
Count me in … I cancelled my spot in the other class on 12-18 for someone else.
I guess there’s a free slot ? Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
Thanks Nick, @Lampy just showed me tonight!
You could make delicious chocolates with that mold!
@amiedd they look great in clear styrene! Looks like you got the time/temp just right.
Also need to get our own temp gun as the surface/core temp is much more import than the time on the counter.
As we all get more experience we should take notes on our settings used, example:
Material Thickness Temp Notes
Styrene 0.02 280 F White is stiffer than clear and needs 10 F more
The most used food safe plastic is clear PETG. Also what standard Invisialign tooth aligners are made of.
Yes, definitely need a tool to measure the temperature! Where would you like me to list the material/thickness and temperature I used?
I guess the vacuum former page on wiki is a good start. Eventually I would like to see a usage chart by the machine.