Results of Planning Meeting:
1. Roll Call and Introduction
Nine in attendance
2. What changes, if any, should we make to the agenda?
Added announcement of Makerfaire to agenda
3. Does the committee have any old business that needs to be addressed?
Small Paragon kiln now repaired, test firing cone packs showed very even heating.
4. Which areas/tasks of FA could be served by a Special interest Group (SIG)?
We have established three new SIGS to cover areas/tasks which will require significant volunteer hours.
Community Firing Team - Beth Appleton @dryad2b (seeking two more members)
Glass SIG - Kathryn Bredderman @Kathryn_Bredderman
Ceramics SIG - Shirley Reeves @Shirley
If you are interested in tool assessment/acquisition, kilns (must have experience), teaching classes, class development, the clay recycling overhaul, general volunteering, etc., please contact Chris Cooper @cmcooper0 and we can get you set up and working with one of these three awesome people!
5. What are the priorities for use of space in FA?
Had a productive discussion about the needs of different users. Strong interest in increasing workspace. We will be working on the overall layout and furniture within FA to make a more efficient use of the space.
6. Should we continue to allow personal storage in the committee area, and if so, how much and what process?
We talked about the issue of personal storage and the problems we currently have with abandoned items, quantity of items, lack of process and delineated space, the impression this leaves, and if we continue to allow this - the inequality for new members if we run out of space. Many solutions were brought forth. Concerns are not with in-progress projects (too delicate/issue-y to transport) though we would like to create a log for these so a solid timeline for removal is had (or expected recurrence) and contact information is kept. A decision was made to look at available space once the overhaul is complete and allow a specific amount of materials only in a defined and documented area on a temporary/renewable basis in a use-test.
7. How can we better manage the green/bisque/glaze shelves?
Consensus seemed to be in favor of increasing the usable area and in changing over to wire shelving for the Greenware section to facilitate faster drying. Ware boards will be made available for pieces that are too soft/small to go directly on the shelf. We will be developing an easy, low-effort tracking system for works on the shelves and will be bringing new policy and signage text to the next committee meeting for feedback. We will also be starting a maker’s mark log with contact information to help catch lost works and happily re-unite them with their creators.
8. What are our requirements regarding the maintenance closet sink?
Ingrid @FrenchFrog will be taking on working with CA regarding the potential new maintenance closet sink. Shirley @Shirley will make a new sign and clear it with Logistics for proper clay disposal in the sink.
9. Kiln Operation Class Development
We will be developing a class for Kiln Operation that will give people an opportunity to learn how to operate their own kilns and with further classwork, hands-on shadowing and testing, eventually become able to fire their own work at DMS. This will understandably be an involved process and there are many questions to answer including scheduling, costs, damages, etc. Curriculum development will be starting “soon”. If you are interested in taking this type of class, please let me, Chris @cmcooper0, know, we will need some guinea pigs down the road.
10. Instructor Support
We are looking for teachers in both glass and ceramic and are available to help new teachers with calendar scheduling, co-teaching/second pair of hands, materials, class development, project class support, etc. If you are even vaguely considering teaching, come let us talk you into it!
11. When should we schedule our monthly committee meetings?
We will be aiming for the second week of the month to allow us time to prepare items for the Board meeting agendas after committee approvals/announcements. The next Committee meeting will be Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm.
12. Makerfaire
Have a bunch of ceramics cluttering your workshop/shelves/closets? Support the DMS Makerfaire!
Additional Random Items:
Future group Raku outing (yay!)
Evaluate glaze brush situation
Acquire sturdier 12" shelf supports