We are trying out a new arrangement of the works shelves. The front shelf is divided into four quadrants. Each area is labeled with the old signs, if this works well, we’ll make new signs and run tape along the shelves.
Upper Right (Green): Greenware, ready to fire.
Upper Left (Red): Bisque, ready to glaze.
Bottom Left (Blue): Glazed Bisque, ready to fire.
Bottom Right (Yellow): Glazed, ready to pick up.
The shelf behind is the No Fire shelf, for wrapped items or letting glaze layers dry, etc. You’ll notice it is super full! Come work on your projects, they are super cool and deserve your love.
As before, there will be times where we have an over abundance of a category and will need to do some shuffling and have less strict adherence. But if possible, please make sure your items are in the correct area.
Also, if you have wrapped items, I would check out your stuff to make sure the plastic is tucked to your level of happiness. We tried our very best to make sure boards/pieces were wrapped back in the same way as when we took them down, but a quick glance over is a good idea!
If there is no room in the appropriate area, place elsewhere, but then Check Back. We have a lot of pieces that are seeming to get ‘lost’. Lots of reasons for this but being in non-standard areas may be a contributing factor. As before, up top is a good ‘temporary landing space’. Trying out not labeling “overflow” as it seems people then just use it interchangeably with the primary area.
? I’ll have to double-check, but the area that’s really full right now is the bisque-you-should-glaze area. As you face the shelves from the wheels, the top 3 shelves on the right are the greenware shelves. It looked like there was a lot of room on the greenware shelves. In fact, I put some of the Carl and Emily bisqued mugs on the greenware side because there was some room on the bottom-most greenware shelf.
There is already an overflow issue for the greenware. When I was up there yesterday the greenware shelf was completely full. The new wedging tables were extremely full from the over flow.
Just a suggestion, Is the venting over the kilns enough so that the little manual kiln at the end can be removed, all the kilns slide over and another shelf go in? Kiln need 3 ft clearance radius.
Also just curious, Our last conversation you stated you were going to have the concrete delivered for the wedging tables. Prior to that, you said you would do a shout out for assistance on Talk for someone with a truck. Please let us know what the current details are.
I’ve been working a lot so I have has little free time. I’m going to try and make me some temp wedging boards the week. I bring this all up because, the best way to use wedging boards, is to have one end aginst a wall for stability. The new wedging area is perfect for this but, they were full of greenware yesterday.
The Cress is being picked up today, unfortunately the plug arrangement on the cinder block wall limits how we can arrange our current equipment and potential new equipment. A new glaze shelf is also being built along that wall today.
The shelves are the exact same shelves we’ve had, in going through the work on them, I think we should first try better management before looking at replacing them. I don’t believe at this time we could add another shelf without beginning to really constrain the space. Wholly new shelves with different dimensions might also be a solution. There is currently additional, open space on the shelves for in-progress work, the goal is to use that as overflow, just as before, but with the caveat that people Check Back and put their items in the more appropriate areas as soon as possible. I’m also going to shorten the interval on which I label-date pieces. I begun the process with a comfortable cushion on the 30 day rule but it seems as if many are completely ignoring it.
The wrapped work on the back tables was the work that was posted for exceeding said 30 day rule. It was getting its last chance before disposal, they are now gone. There were a couple of items that were left there by a hand builder, I moved them to the works shelves. Folks’ work will be moved if:
1)It is somewhere other than the works shelves
2)You are not at the space and thus still working
3)It is not labeled with some sort of personal contact info/explanation and then you will be contacted as to why you didn’t gain prior permission from the Chair or head of the appropriate SIG, . We are cool, but more likely to say yes if you contact us before we contact you.
The concrete! Due to the size and difficulty of safely storing the concrete, I don’t want to get it here if I can’t install it within 1-2 days. As soon as I have the time myself, that task will get crossed off the list. (Unless someone wants to volunteer for it!)