Quick reminder: Fired Arts Monthly Meeting is Wednesday, May 23rd at 7pm. It should be an exciting one! We had a successful work session on the Six Month Plan and will be confirming the individual items at the Wednesday meeting. Afterwards we will be doing cleaning and maintenance in the committee area as many hands makes for light work! I also hear tale of delicious pizza possibilities courtesy of @Kriskat30, so come, be fed, and roll up your sleeves for quick housekeeping that will make our space pleasantly inviting.
We have some new faces so I wanted to quickly review how to get ideas on the agenda and in front of the committee, it is super easy. Meeting dates are selected at the prior monthly meeting so you can easily find out when the next session will occur. To add an agenda item all you need to do is send me a message on Talk, email or physically hand me a slip of paper and I will be sure it is added. Mentioning it to me when my hands are covered in clay or I’m halfway out the door nets about a 50% chance of me remembering so I recommend writing it down. The agenda is almost always linked on the event page by the Sunday evening before the meeting (barring something unusual). If you miss getting it in before then, no worries, you can add it to the meeting -at- the meeting! Item #2 is always “What changes, if any, should we make to the agenda?”. I’m going to include a snippet of a mock agenda here so you can see how it goes. Whomever submits the agenda item can decide who will lead the discussion of it, you can dive in yourself or nominate someone else to run that item, either is cool. We include what the intended result is so we can make sure to get what we want out of the discussion. Minutes are posted to the wiki as soon as someone puts them up.
This is the format we’ve been using and it seems to keep meetings running smoothly and quickly. Leaving us more time to Make Stuff!
And for our exception to the rule: May’s agenda will be attached to the Event ‘soon’, unforeseen out of town-ness slipped a tiny wrench in. Here is a link: