Fired Arts: L&W to deliver 4x8x3/4 reinforced concrete slab today

Hi all,

Due to a supplier screw-up, the slab was not at the location where it was supposed to be picked up today.

They’re delivering it for free. If anyone is going to be at the space for the next 3 hours or so and can help direct the delivery guys to get the slab onto the dock, we’d greatly appreciate it. Please PM me with your phone # and I’ll give you a call when they get there.

They can just slide it off the truck and onto the floor in front of the dock door. Fired arts will work it into its final location this evening.

This would save me a trip back out to DMS this afternoon.


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I’m assuming this is it


The circular saw with diamond blade is in FA under the table by the rear wall.

If this Hardibacker? That’s what it looks like… I can tell my experience with this says to use score & snap. Use a carbide score and two chunks of wood to centre the stress on the score, and step on it. Clean up with a file if a smooth edge is desired. Cutting these with a circular saw works, but it’s a pain in the ass to the nth degree (only exceed by trying to saw though one with a hand saw).

I’ll add one other note based on my lack of intuition - the score need not be deep. Much like scoring and snapping tile or glass, just a streak provides the necessary concentration of forces.


I agree. I was expecting something over an inch and a half thick.