Fired Arts: Committee Meeting Tuesday 3/20

Hey guys, I wanted to give a heads up for our upcoming monthly committee meeting next Tuesday @7. If you have any agenda items, please submit them by March 19.

One very important item we will be discussing is our Expansion Plan. I’m going to quote Chris Marlow:

“In the near future, I will be asking each of the committees to prepare detailed needs; space, utilities, etc. To start your planning – if you were given 50% more space, servicing twice as many members – what would you need? What would your plans be? What would your five-year investment timeline look like?

Please note that “50% more space” is not a commitment – it’s a rough budgetary estimate to start your planning. Committees that provide detailed, well-documented plans with facts and data are more likely to get that additional space.”

I’d like for Fired Arts to have a polished plan ready to submit as soon as they are requested…in early with a rock solid document to make our plea for more of that sweet, sweet space. If you would like to be a part of this process, please attend the meeting. If you are unable to do so, you can send me your thoughts to share with the group. This plan will be community driven so please let your voice be heard!

SIG Leaders: If you are unable to attend, please submit a short report with what all is going on/needed/concerned over, thanks!
@Kathryn_Bredderman @Shirley @dryad2b