Hey folks, we are doing another Fired Arts Clean Up on Sunday, September 24th starting at 1pm. If you have been having secret urges to scrub and mop, 1) you are weird and 2) we would welcome you with (our grubby, sticky) open arms!
Wear something you don’t mind getting wet and clay covered, this is gonna get a wee bit messy, heh.
Your Fired Arts Chairperson assumes that this is just about the clay trap. Mind you, sweeping and mopping the floor is always a good idea. I will say – there is no point to cleaning under the Clay Recycling buckets. That floor doesn’t get walked on, and will be thick with clay in short order.
Please restrict the cleaning to those areas. Move nothing that doesn’t belong to you. (Except as needed to clean the floor )
I’m sorry Beth, I completely disagree with this. The Fired Arts area is filthy and needs to be cleaned. It needs to be cleaned regularly and more than just taking a swipe at the floor. We will not be cleaning the green/bisque shelves that contain people’s work. As before, we are following your request of not throwing anything away and not moving anything permanently from where it currently is (even though there are some things that need to be thrown away and organization that could be done to make the area more usable). There are mystery containers from four months ago that I left notes on that asked ‘Please Label Contents’ that have not been touched. There are many tools and surfaces in the area that are covered in clay because people are not cleaning up after themselves. These items need to be addressed. Not just because of Open House, but it is certainly a motivating factor.
If you are concerned about what we are doing, you are more than welcome to join us.
I totally agree with this! I have no desire to throw things away willy-nilly. But I do like labeling items so folks know what they are and if they can use them. Mystery containers are tricky in a community space.
I have no idea what most of that stuff on the shelve is, labeling is a great idea. Listing things on talk will be a good way to get some of that unknown/old stuff gone.
Much cleaning occurred and it is far less dusty! Big thanks to @FrenchFrog, @Shirley, @JasonM314, @Kati and awesome new member Tim who just joined, dropped by to check things out, and jumped right in to help.
We found some mystery items and very old paperwork, left everything in place so we can hit it at the committee meeting for identification/decision making. Will also put it up on Talk if necessary.
Alas – I have to disagree with this one. Y’all are a fairly small percentage of the folks that use Fired Arts. Odds are really good that the folks with the unmarked items never, ever read Talk. I’ve been trying other things here, and it seems like most folks who want to do arts don’t want to read Talk.
Had you bothered to consult with me before planning your thing, I would have let you know you’d chosen a bad day. I was not available to come on Sunday. As a matter of fact, I’d originally planned the Meeting for Sunday before realizing I had other commitments. I was able to cancel that event before it showed on the calendar, though, and edit the header of the announcing post – evidently before anyone read it.
i posted the event over a week ago on the calendar and in Talk. You didn’t express your thoughts until the day before. Would haven been super cool meeting/chatting on Talk in advance if there were concerns you had with cleaning. But, it’s all good. We de-clayed many things and the new committee meeting date being after clean up works out well. We can talk about areas/items that we weren’t able to address.