Firearms safety and use class

I am teaching a firearms safety and basic use class on Sunday, the 23rd, at 1 PM in interactive classroom.

I will be covering safety habits that everyone should have, and how the rules of firearms safety are applied outside of a square range.

I will also briefly talk about shooting techniques and how you can practice at home to get better, and how to do this safely.

Accessory choice will also be talked about, sights, reddots, parts, etc.

Holster selection for conceal carry

Firearms selection and how to pick a firearm.

I am a grandmaster classified shooter with the United States Practical Shooting Association, a firearms instructor, and competed in multiple military shooting events while I was in the military.

Bring your own firearm if you have one to the class - make sure it is UNLOADED and CASED, I will check the condition of the firearm at the door prior to entry. Do not bring any loose ammunition or loaded magazines for that firearm into DMS.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


Wish I could join in, but I’ll be out of town.

I’ll be hosting one of these again soon, looking forward to seeing you there

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I’ll try to come and help.


This sounds awesome. I have been wanting to get a little more practical use training ever since my wife and I got our CHL’s.

Gonna go sign up now.

Ditto-I’ll be on vacation this weekend, wish I could join in…

I’m actually out of town for a pistol class this weekend, but if you need a lowly B-class helper for future classes I’m available.

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I wish the closest match wasn’t an hour and a half away, I got spoiled in college station where there was an action shooting match every weekend and the range was 20 minutes away!

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Spoiled is putting it lightly, @Gimli drives to 3+ hours for Long Range Palma Matches. But, it is only an hour by plane, think they will let us carry on our match rifles for the flight? :smile:

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I am about to drive to frostproof for nationals, but that’s kinda different lol


I was in the same boat in Tulsa. USSA was 15 minutes from my house. Now the closest USPSA is Mission160, which is almost an hour out from me.

There’s lots of IDPA in Dallas though, if…you’re into that sort of thing.

how about 5 minutes from the space?

Ewwww… IDPA.

I just can’t get into that game. It’s tactically unsound, and it’s just not as fun as burning down paper with an Open race gun.

Great intro sport, but I see a lot of people that plateau very quickly in skill because it doesn’t require that much skill compared to steel challenge or USPSA.

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You have piqued my interest! Where is this mystical place?

Private club but you might know a member :wink:

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Reminder … this is today

And one seat/spot has (probably) just opened up, for anyone interested. BTW, it’s @ 1pm in Interactive classroom


Will you be sending out the PowerPoint from this class? Well, the one that should have gone with this class if your laptop worked I mean. Lol

Also, which flashlight was it that you guys had on your Glocks? Oh, and which regular handheld flashlight was it that you mentioned with the crazy lumens?


I don’t recall the gentleman’s name that sat up front with all of the hardware… but if you are in here…

Which tritium sites do you have/like? These?

TRUGLO Tritium Handgun Sight Set - Glock Low TruGlo Tritium Pro Glow in the Dark Compact Gun Hunting Glock Pistol Sight with Maximum Bright Sights for Glock Sidearm 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, and 27 : Sports & Outdoors


I will be sending out the powerpoint shortly, we both had Streamlight TLR-1 HL lights on our pistols

Surefire EDCL2-T is a 1000 lumen light (that’s bright) or a streamlight handheld.

Truglos are okay provided you get the TFX sights. I have fiber sights on my glock, Tim had Trijicon HD sights