Fire Marshall Visit on 08/27 - Actions required

The Carrollton Chief Fire Marshal paid DMS a surprised visit last Tuesday, 09/27. He brought in 3 other Fire Inspectors with him to check out our new Fire Alarm System. When ever these Fire Marshals are on the premises, anything they see can be inspected. I assured the Fire Marshal that the following items will be resolved.

I have put together some pictures of various code violations that were found during the visit. Many of these can be fixed within a few minutes, some may need more time to complete. The important thing is to educate everyone at DMS what to watch out for and to bring it to the attention of the proper people to get it fixed. Here goes. . .

Excessive collection of old batteries in the Galley. Need to be properly disposed of.

Cluttered floor in front of the Electrical Panels. We must maintain a clearance of 36 inches in front of the panels at all time. Notice the blue tape on the floor indicating the area.

The coal furnace in the warehouse. Will need a special use permit from the City to be able to use it outside. Good luck getting EPA certifications.

This amount of coal cannot be stored inside the building or in the Blacksmith trailer outside. Our Fire Sprinkler system cannot handle a fire with this much available fuel.

Dirty fire sprinkler heads, this one is in the Creative Arts area. Do not use a high pressure air hose to clean it, the high pressure will active the sprinkler head. Instead use an aerosol can of compressed air, like what you use to clean a computer keyboard.

Missing escutcheon plate on the sprinkler head. The head should mount up to the ceiling tile without an air gap. This one is in the hallway by the water fountain and many other areas as well.

Dust accumulation on the electric motor in the Wood Shop. Plus dust collection inside the electrical boxes. Use high pressure air to clean these areas.

Fire Extinguisher inspection tag is out of date.

Fire Extinguisher needs to be recharged. The yellow arrow should be in the green zone on the dial.

Clutter and sharp edge metal materials just laying around in the Warehouse. This is ducting materials for the Felder dust collector. Get it cleaned up.

Can you find the Fire Extinguisher in this picture? Unit should be relocated to a more accessible place. Photo taken in the Metal Shop.

Fire Alarm is falling away from the ceiling tile.

Exposed wires on the power cord, need to replace the plug. Photo taken in the Interactive Room on one of the yellow power strips.

Exposed wires on a power cord, need to replace the plug. I think this photo was taken in the Jewelry area.

Exposed wiring on the metal saw in the Machine Shop. Need to replace with flexible conduit due to the harsh working environment.

Missing Ceiling Tiles. These tiles are a fire barrier, need to be in place at all times.

Old and outdated fire alarm system needs to be removed.

Overloaded outlets. Notice that the extension cord is connected to a full double duplex outlet. Photo taken by the tool wall opposite the Automotive area. If you need more outlets, let the appropriate folks know so it can get fixed.

Notice a power strip is being used when their is an empty double duplex outlet right above it. Photo taken in the Interactive Room by the computer table.

Again, overloaded circuits. Same thing, a power strip is plugged into a fully loaded double duplex outlet. Photo taken in the Jewelry area.

Push the Test Button (see the arrow) and make sure the battery is fully charged. The building Exit sign by Laser needs to have the battery replaced, check the others as well. Also, the direction of the arrows (in the circles) must be pointing to the nearest exit. The exit sign outside the Interactive Room points in both directions, should only point to the exit towards Creative Arts.

I hope you enjoyed your free Fire Safety training class.


Do we actually have a contract with Cintas for this? They’re all Cintas tags.

I’ll look into better placement. I want to have the Class D over there and the ABC in better positioning

I think a lot of these are chargers. We can look into more outlets, or wiring the chargers into a common system.

Is this just a lack of regular take out, or the fact we have a spot for them at all?

I’ll take care of the woodshop outlet and the dust around the motors by end of day Saturday.

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Thanks for the note Rich.

Please see the private message I sent you August 27 at 6:14pm regarding the coal forge (which is not a coal furnace) which asks a couple of specific questions that have gone, as yet, unanswered.

The dictionary agrees with Rich, but often some technical names can get a bit jumbled up in there. What do you use to distinguish furnace from forge?

Some industrial regulations apply based on the purpose of the equipment as well.

For example there is little reason to run a coal furnace, i.e. purpose of heating a building or area, whereas a forge is a specific manufacturing process.

I’m not making any assumptions of which way the law would lean, but given that it serves a purpose / mechanical implementation differently other than what a furnace would it could be handled differently.

What @hon1nbo said is essentially correct, however, I’m not going to dive into the reasons it matters here, as I feel it’s off topic.

I think it’s lack of a regular take-out. I handle most of the recycling, but the batteries have not particularly been on my list. I believe I can take most of these to Lowe’s, and I will address that this week.

If anybody else wants to recycle the batteries, feel free. And, let me know where the best places are.

Every year until last year I took care of this. I called Cintas Fire they would do the inspection and it was a few dollars per extinguisher.

Last year the Board said they don’t want me doing it so I stopped.

It’s not a difficult process and I can start back again managing it or if someone wants to own it reach out to me and I can explain the process.


The official charter of Logistics includes safety responsibility including fire extinguishers.


@PearceDunlap - I believe Robert is offering to help you.

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We have a member who is appropriately licensed and can sign off on the extinguishers. @EthanWestern. He did 102 for us.


@Robert_Davidson hit me up, we can get these fixed up

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@Robert_Davidson @PearceDunlap we should also see about disposing of the bad extinguishers that can’t be recharged and what to do with the ones otherwise not on the cintas list.

Example I’ve found some of the style like that you would see for some acr and kitchen use where it’s like a shaving cream can nozzle without a charge gauge etc.


Re That image of the out of date fire extinguisher sitting on the floor…

I think it might be on the floor area near the outside exit door in CA.

When I was there last, there was one left sitting on the floor underneath the mounted one. Like someone just left it there on the floor for some reason. It just appeared one day in the last couple weeks.

In other words, if it’s still there and the one in question, it may be one someone left/donated for whatever reason and not part of the normal DMS fire extinguisher setup and checked for dates.

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Not sure what the power strip off our drop down was on there for, will get it taken care of. :+1:t3:

The cord is for a fan will unplug it until we can rewire it.

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It is in CA, but it’s been there since it was the Common Room. Rich came by and looked at it. I told him it was out of date, because I was the one keeping up with the extinguisher from taking it off the wall prior to painting until getting it back up. Just didn’t know what to do with the non-current one.

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Those are a LOT of violations, I’m surprised we didn’t get tagged. The Fire Marshal was in a generous mood.

Just assume they will be coming back, and want to see a substantial improvement.


I have worked with this Fire Marshall for almost 2 years now, he is strict but fair. I promised the Fire Marshal that these items will be taken care of. Yes, he will be back in a few days to perform the final inspection of our new Fire Alarm system.

The real reason I posted all the pictures above is so that our fellow DMS members can recognize what constitutes a Fire hazard. Everyone should keep a vigilant eye for these problems and report them to the proper folks for repair. In many cases it takes only a few minutes to fix the problem themselves.


@richmeyer, shouldn’t the fire alarm company remove the out of date horn strobe that was effectively left by them?