Hi all I have some material I would like to display at the space and wanted to put it in this spot:
What is required to display my art peice?
Hi all I have some material I would like to display at the space and wanted to put it in this spot:
What is required to display my art peice?
Step 1) Open case, (the outter frame swings open from either the left or right)
Step 2) Put your piece of art there
Step 3) Close case
That has been empty since March 29, 2016, the same time I hung the bulletin boards I put that post it in there, and have been waiting ever since for someone to walk by and put something in there. I guess the post it needed to be more persuasive
Here I was thinking it had to be hosted by one of the committees or registered like the other art pieces on the walls.
Oh. I thought the case and the picture in it was the actual piece of art, maybe making a statement on the bleakness of existence, and there fro no to be disturbed.
It’s hard to tell these days what is and isn’t Enjoy the three best minutes of your life: Yoko Ono at Art Show.
Just throwing out an idea. Maybe limit the display of art to 30-45 days so others can rotate items in now we know it is available for use. Just put a small note indicating date put in display so you’ll know when to take down or when others can put up their items.
I like the idea of people being able to display items. May be worth getting a few more to post around the Space: couple in Commons Room maybe, other above the shelves outside Interactive. Get more items displayed. If a few were lockable or dedicated to certain committees and they’d be responsible. I’m thinking of Jewelry, Creative Arts, Woodshop (pen turnings or Chris micro works) that way they are protected from theft and damage. Others could be left unlocked and just. Several could be put out in lobby as part of PR displays.
Lots of cool stuff made that is small and would easily let Makers strut their stuff so to speak as well as showing what is possible!