I remember there being a filament recycler in the 3d fab room a while ago and I am wondering if it is still there and working. If so do you need any training to use it?
It’s in the drawer in the cabinet under the resin printer. It’s a Filastruder 2.0 and Filawinder and a ton of virgin ABS pellets.
I kind of gave up on the project and I’m looking for volunteers to put it together and get it working. Currently it turns on, heats up, but when it builds up pressure the auger turns the barrel, it needs to be rebuilt and properly tightened. The filawinder parts and printed parts should be in there too. It’s painfully slow and they require at least 8 hours of extruding to clean out the junk from the barrel before making usable filament. It might need to be mounted to a wooden jig pointing down to give the filament a cooling path. The instructions kind of suck so you’ll have to use the filastruder forums. Please contact me about it if interested, it’s pretty much a waste of $500 if we can’t get it working.
I could take a look at it next time I am up there.
Thanks! @mreynolds has already started working on it but needs some electrical diagnosis.
Yeah i built the Filawinder last night. Everything went smooth except that the motor is not working. I tried testing it with bench power but it still wouldn’t do anything.
The Filastruder, like Mitch mentioned, needs a minor rebuild. I have plans to do this, but if you want to take over then go for it. I heated it up, but the motor/augur would not work for me (What is it with me and motors??)
Looking at some of the setups that people have on the net, it seems that mounting the whole system on the wall and leaving it alone to do its magic seems to be a good way to run it.
Let me know what you plan.
I would like too take a look at it but I am problem not experienced enough with this kind of stuff to take over.
We can probably use both of our grey matter to come up with solutions for it. Take a look and pm me when you do