I’m looking for some feedback from the laser experts whether or not I can etch the top of this desk.
I’m wanting to make an art piece out of this object. The top is removable and will fit on the large machine.
Is the desktop safe to etch on? I didn’t see anything comparable on the no-go list and just wanted to be 100% sure before moving forward. Thank you in advance for your expertise and insight.
Is it (in my guess at descending cost of manufacture):
“real”, solid wood,
plywood with some sort of finish on it
wood-look melamine over some sort of wood, or
a plastic sticker on top of plywood chipboard or MDF?
Hard to tell from the picture.
The first two should be OK. The last would depend on what kind of plastic, which likely would be hard to determine. The third (Melamine over wood) is not on our list of cut-able materials, nor is it on the excluded THOU SHALL NOT list.
It’s chemical composition is C3H6N6 - no chlorine to make poisonous combustion byproducts. The Epilog laser site lists Melamine as OK to both etch and cut: Laserable Material Compatibility
You’d need to get approval from the Committee Chair/sub-chair before using it, and they would likely want to see it cut in action for any possible adverse performance.
Thank you, Hank! I appreciate the information.
I believe your third guess was correct.
-wood-look melamine over some sort of wood. Maybe MDF?
I took a closer pics
I have another question … how much does the tabletop alone weigh? I can’t really tell from the photo how thick it is, or what it’s made of. (I tried to move a 6’ tabletop the other day and I’m sure it weighed 50 pounds).
Someone in laser will need to weigh in on whether the bed can safely support the weight of the tabletop.
To answer the original question - YES melamine is safe to laser as well as the MDF underneath. Source reference is from Universal Laser Systems operations manual and sample materials list. melamine is a tough material. at 50 watts the cut you can expect is about 0.015". don’t over power it and just do multiple passes. cheers!
I appreciate your suggestion. Part of what I love about it is the energy that is already in the top. There are some childlike etchings from young people longing to create, escaping reality or just transferring energy by boring a hole. Of course, I have my own perception about that but it’s something I want to build on rather than replace.I’m new to Makerspace/lasering and would prefer to ask people with experience/expertise about certain materials, I don’t know that it’s a hassle for me but rather a learning experience. As a fine artist, Makerspace is a wonderland and I want to drink it up.