February Science Sunday Schedule - 2025

Just wanted to briefly post here about our upcoming schedule for our Science Sunday gatherings at 3PM. We’ve got a couple of great ones coming up including a collab with Creative Arts to do Shibori tie dye with indigo. Please do register on the calendar if possible as that helps with planning. Thanks!

Feb-02-2025 - Dye Diffusion and Anodizing Aluminum

Note: This will also be offered as a stand-alone class in the future and also requires the lab safety training prerequiste.

Feb-09-2025 - All about Dyes and Pigments and Indigo Synthesis


Feb-16-2025 - Committee Meeting at 3PM, Tie Dye Class at 4PM (Creative Arts)

Monthly Meeting: https://calendar.dallasmakerspace.org/events/view/23577
Tie Dye Class: calendar link coming soon (Instructor: @dryad2b )

Feb-23-2025 - Hand Warmer Chemical from Vinegar & Radiative Cooling Fabric

calendar link coming soon

Example Indigo Shibori Tie Dye:

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ginapina/25861884643


Science Sunday 2/2 Anodization Update/Photos:

1. Titanium Anodization

Various thicknesses of oxide were obtained on Ti by applying different voltages to give multiple colors on a simple wire “DMS.” Blues and yellows and purples were easily obtained but we did not have the setup to easily achieve the high voltages necessary to get a uniform green colors. We were only able to get a tiny speck of green that was visible under a microscope.

2. Aluminum Anodization

Aluminum anodization was demonstrated including the etch, anodize, dye, and sealing steps. It was found that of all the cheap RIT fabric dyes we purchased only the yellow dye seemed fully compatible with the process. The other colors did not have good take-up into the oxides.


I’ve heard that about the Rit dies. Hit or miss. The Caswells dies apparently are pretty good. You’d hope if you were in that business.

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For sure, I did mention that for an actual item it would probably be best to use dyes designed for aluminum. A bit pricier at 5-10x the cost though.