Fanuc CNC Controllers in the Makerspace?

After searching the wiki I believe the I know the answer, but I figured it’s worth a post. Do we have access to a Fanuc CNC controller (either as part of a machine or simulator)? If not, does anyone have any ideas who does in the DFW region? Thank you for the time and help.

The HAAS uses a flavor of Fanuc g-code. I think that’s as close as you’re going to get at DMS.

Fanuc has a pretty strong local presence, especially for their CNC products.
You may be able to contact them for a donation.
I’m out of the loop though, what do you need one for?

Thanks Corey for the response. I am working on a project that listens to
the real time events, instructions, alerts produced by cnc controllers as
they machine parts and then performs analytics on the data. I picked Fanuc
to start since they have the most market share and publish an API that
interfaces to their controller. Thanks for the heads up about the Fanuc
local presence, and I will reach out their support team. Do you have any
contacts as well? Thank you for the time and help.

So you want to create a visual studio app that pulls the data and then uses the data for calculations while it displays the data you want to present?
So somewhat like an HMI but with more capability.
It looks like you don’t need to have a Fanuc controller, you may be able to use any popular controller…

I’d think that the controller in the older machines (like ours) wouldn’t have much data to play with. If you had data, it would be interesting to do something along the lines of what GE does for engines: Monitoring for maintenance issues in the field via remote telemetry.

yeah, it looks like you can build one in visual studio, that’s the kind of thing the SEs at my last job did.
the way most factories do it is to transmit the data to an OPC and then just build a SCADA screen to display the desired info and graphics.
I know the Kepserver OPC has the ability to pull data from Fanuc Focas and then the customer can feed it into whatever SCADA program they use (wonderware, WinCC, XENON etc.).

Thanks for the link Corey. My application is simpler than an HMI since I just need to monitor the data from the controller and then perform analytics on the data. I will definitely check out Factory Wizard, and am also using MTConnect Adapters to make connections with various controllers, and I do see there is an implementation for HAAS. Fanuc seems to have the most marketshare at this point which is why I am keen on trying that first.

As you note in your last comment and OPC server is another option, even though it is a bit of overkill and adds latency that I don’t need.

@ChrisPattison thanks for heads up on the HAAS controller in the maker space, and perhaps I will do a test on via the MTConnect adapter to see what it can do…

@grobber15, we have also created an application with similar use case, which can collect the data from MTConnect and perform conditional monitoring and predictive analytics. do you know whether there is a marketplace for this application in DFW area? Appreciating your reply and help! Thanks!