Fair warning - changing # of registrants for drive-myself maker crawl

So just so you know I’m growing in my organizational brain thus I’ve made some mistakes on this crawl - thankfully we are a far way out and can course correct. I’m going to limit the number of people who will be allowed on the “free drive yourself” option thus not to overburden the people we are visiting. I think it’s only fair to do it this way. This has no effect on the makermeetup at the bar.

I’m going to limit the number of registrants to “drive myself” to 13 to hold down the group to a total number of 24 people. Thursday about this time I’m going to shut down the class and reregister. I will be emailing the top 13 people to give them a spot and leaving additional spots open currently we have 6 registered leaving open 7 spots.

I hope you can see the logic behind this choice of action - if you don’t understand the logic please voice your concerns and I will listen


??? weird phrasing ???

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fixed it. Thanks - that sounded really *itchy


The 24 person cap makes sense.

Am I on your ‘bus’ or ‘drive’ list?

You must be on the drive list - you aren’t registered for van. Only three slots left

You are not on either list. You responded to the facebook event but not the DMS. I’m only counting the DMS list. Hurry up and get on the wagon!

Put me on the ride list, please.


$20 registration list puts you on list. You have to be logged in to register.

I don’t believe I can - please register yourself via the dms events page.
$20 Van option: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
Free option: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
Mind you the free option will be taken off and redone with a limit.

Sorry, where? Is it a class??


Work with me - I sent you the links to follow :slight_smile:

You could also work with me, please.

I went back 4 email threads. I know about cardboard challenges. I know who we are visiting. I know about a poll. I know about how to generate a poster.



Didn’t mean to offend.

Makercrawl with 6 spots remaining will come up on the calendar within 48 hours.