Ez50 powdercoat gun

I have an EZ 50 powder coat gun that I haven’t used in a while. It wasnt used a lot but the plastic handle at the bottom is broke.
The gun works perfect, other than that and someone may be able to 3d print a fix for the handle.

Would the metal shop me interested in a donation? If so let me know what I need to do.


Tom, I talked to Jim the other day. He was ok with dealing with the handle that we talked about. Do you want a donation receipt for it?


Yes. A receipt would be good. I am going to drop it off at the metal shop Saturday. I will leave a note on it and update here that I dropped it off.

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I left the gun in the metal shop, on the rack next to the powder oven. It is on the top shelf, in a styrofoam box.
I wrote a message in pink saying I left it for you, or Jim.
Hopefully it helps the powdercoaters.