Extra scorpion/spider class Friday?

There were several people who said they weren’t able to get into the spider/scorpion class next weekend.
I’m thinking of offering another one this Friday evening at 730, if y’all are free then.

I can’t make it back to back with the new stained glass spider web class on Sunday because that’s my shelter day :slight_smile:

@Lindajdallas @meanbaby @Just_Me

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Yes, I would like that and can make it to a Friday class.

Great, Yes

Yes please. Save me a spot. I will be there.


I can make the web part I’m just interest in the spider.

With any luck, it’ll go live on Tuesday around 815am

I can’t make it I have a glass mentorship thing Friday evening :frowning: It just happen to be the night to be able to pull the people together for it. But I really do want to do this! I will be on site Saturday if you have a no show.

I’ll see you Saturday

Hey, I had something come up and have had to cancel my spot for the SATURDAY Wire Scorpion and Spiders class.

I know several folks mentioned preferring saturday if possible, so posting a heads up on this and the Saturday class thread


Thanks!! We’ll miss seeing you :heart:

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