Expecting deliveries?

Committee chairs,
If you are expecting any supply deliveries from FedEx or UPS please reroute them to pickup at a Fedex or UPS pickup point. There is no one to receive them at DMS so if they don’t fit in the mailbox they are being sent back by the delivery service.

FedEx and UPS stores are open during the quarantine and you can often reroute to Walgreens or Walmarts for secure pickup as well.

Thanks, James


This may take some coordination on purchasing agents part. Chairs often don’t know account names, emails, time lines or delivery companies involved.


I stopped by the Makerspace this morning to check in on the Electricians. There were no packages in the drop box, just regular mail that was taken inside. There was a FedEx note on the door indicating “Attempted Delivery”. I left the FedEx note on the door.

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Thanks, Patrick grabbed that ticket for us. we are trying to locate which shipment it’s for to get it rerouted to a FedEx store.

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