Expansion templates due today 4/16

Alex, the primary feedback you received was that they were a pain the in the ass to find, download, use, and hard to understand. Using Google Docs won’t help with that.

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They sent it in a PM to the Committee Chairs.


Google Sheet allowed multiple Team Laser members to input measurements and text.
Helpful that one person didn’t have to do all the work, nor did we need to be together.
I can think of how the format would be better next time. And there will be a next time, if not an system-wide expansion, then future expansion or move or creation of a single committee area.
When time allows, a debrief of the chairs re: the data collection would be useful.
The Maker Way, onward and upward.



I’m sorry it was difficult. It wasn’t intended to be. I sent a PM to all the committee chairs with detailed instructions, one of which was that it was fine to just print it the .pdf version and fill it in by hand. It never occurred to me that someone other than existing committee chairs would submit a request. My bad.


No major worries. I understand why it was done the way it was. Just somewhat overwhelming for some one who doesn’t use Excel…


It has been extremely difficult to read use and conquer which we have not yet in CA if you are not an office type worker and have art brain. Which concerns me quite a bit when it comes to layout and not feeling that the art people are going to have good representation with this advisory group. Can you list the members of this group?

@Adam_Oas … can you please help CA work with their template / input? I suggest that CA fills out their template similarly to the way we advised Electronics to fill out theirs … workstations rather than individual pieces of equipment. Some rough estimate of power needs is adequate; I wouldn’t expect power for individual pieces of equipment unless there are specific power requirements.

Creative Arts is one of the busiest studios within the space and I recognize that. It attracts and services a large number of members. We plan to work with each committee to understand their needs and requests. Once we allocate a block (or blocks) of space to each committee, we will determine what walls and utilities go in that space. That will likely be an iterative process done in conjunction with that committee. Then each committee will lay out their own space within that block allocation. We don’t plan to tell anyone how to lay out their committee space. In the case of some committees we will likely consult on the location of utilities that require construction, but I can’t imagine that being an issue in CA.

Members are:
James Henningson
Chris Marlow
Rich Meyer
Adam Oas
Alex Rhodes
Luke Strickland



Ain’t no shame in asking an “office type worker with spreadsheet brain” for help. That street certainly flows the other way around here, unbegrudgingly, as far as I know…

This, I think, is vital. Coming up with a process from scratch is difficult. It’s easy to poke holes in the process someone else set up, but fulfilling to actually help improve upon that process.


Thank you Chris. CA has everything but one tab filled out with the help of Shawn (Vector). He’s been a tremendous help.

Of the advisory team who are the art and design representatives? I’m hoping to see a good balance within this group. I see several names of very talented people so I know there is good work being done. Just looking for more information.

I’m confused at why we would have representatives of any specific group.

I’m not talking about a specific committee but a balance between engineering skill sets and art/design skill sets.