Exceptional Interest in the Space Kart?

Noticed the large (especially compared to the other threads in view) number of views on the Space Cart thread.

So if anyone was doubting its popularity…
Also, wonder how this compares to our most popular threads of all time. Anyone keep any records on such things?

Currently tied for sixth place.


cheater. :smiley:
but thank you for helping me realize we can “sort by” headers…
It took me a minute to figure how you knew that.

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Whats that cliche? If you aren’t cheating, you are’nt trying… Seems to at least apply to politics.

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I’ve been following it with interest. From afar. Nose sort of pressed to the glass.

Couldn’t commit to the project when it was announced, have a crappy laptop that’s not capable of much, been working a lot more hours than usual at work, and blah blah blah excuses not to get involved.