I have a bunch of messages out trying to fill in the blanks that are currently blue so it will be more complete by the end of the week. I’m gathering information for the October 20th meet the chairs/vice/heads meeting and felt people might want to know this information as well.
If I’ve missed a group or you can fill in a blank really quick or have something incorrect please let me know.
I’m not going to share this exact document because I have shirt sizes hidden on it but once I have it more filled out I will edit it and share it out. Thought people would find this useful and even more useful when it’s complete.
Nice list!
FWIW, here is a list of current chairs/vice-chairs from the wiki.
I don’t update the chair until after the Board confirms, so there are a couple that are out of date.
Next meeting for Electronics will be on October 11th at 7:30 PM. The meeting is posted on the Events Calendar.
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You’re on it. Look at the bottom-ish area
I believe Kee’s Talk ID is @fedakkee …
I forgot to mention that if you look at the groups list (from the pulldown next to your upper RH corner avatar) you can see who is currently on the committee chairs talk group. It includes vice-chairs to the extent that I know of them. It doesn’t include SIGs. It also doesn’t include recently elected but not yet confirmed chairs.