Can someone please point me to some information about how to set up something in EventBrite? I plan to teach a (free) class and need to limit attendees. Thanks! Chris.
Does this help?
Basically, check the box for Eventbright when you submit the class (assuming this is a class for DMS). After what is on this page, I have no idea, and look forward to any elaboration, especially as to the pricing, etc. ($0.00 in your scenario)…
That does help some, although it contradicts what the Rules & Policies section says.
I did check the box for EventBrite but I suspect I didn’t put in enough information.
I feel sorry for the poor volunteer who has to help me through this (but I will certainly appreciate their efforts.)
@talkers wpthe current classroom chair would be the best source of a definitive answer.
I would love if you could point out the contradiction, as I am not seeing it.
Walter’s right, though.
I’ve got popcorn…
They only differ in to whom the request should be sent. Rules & Policies says to send it to the Board of Directors (like they don’t already have enough to do). The So_You_Want_to_Teach_a Class page says to send it to honorarium@ …
Email [email protected] (I think) after you’ve requested the event and spell out the details. Or, you could set up a private EventBrite event.
Chris (@John_Marlow)…
As of “right now”, Bryan is correct (changes are in the planning stages, I believe…) for “who to contact”…
Going forward - at least until the upcoming changes - it is usually recommended that when you submit an event to the Calendar, that you include specifics on how many tickets, whether free or not (include the price if not free), any prerequisites, etc… as part of the description.
Separately, If you want honorarium, then - for now (again, changes are being planned…) - you would need to send an e-mail to [email protected] at least 12 full days prior to the class/event in order to have the request considered. It will not be approved if you do not have the class/event on the calendar and submit the request far enough out.
John Gorman (@talkers) is the current Classroom Chairperson; however, it’s best to send an e-mail to [email protected] for any calendar specific questions (or changes)
I hope that helps…
Last I heard, no honorarium requests had been approved for nearly a month. Is that situation changed at all?
Gotcha. Thank you for elaborating.
For what this is worth, I think that is semantics. Since receiving honorarium requires Board approval, the Rule is to contact the Board. You’ll notice it does not state HOW to contact the Board. The way I read it, the “So_You_Want_to_Teach_a Class page” specifies HOW to make that request. I can certainly see that this could be confusing. The “Teach” link off the main page reads the same to me, with honorarium requiring Board approval, and the request for same going through “honorarium@”. We can surely find a way to clarify, but since the process seems to be in chrysalis perhaps it should wait until the the wings are dry on the new beast…
My honorarium got approved pretty quickly about a week ago.
Even though I had checked off the box on the “teach a class” online form, the addition of an eventbrite link got missed. A quick email to the person who set the event up fixed it though.
Unless I read it wrong, it references note 11 which specifies an email address for the board that differs from the honorarium one listed.
Totally missed that.
You’re absolutely right.
Seems like that should be changed (I am all in favor of editing the wiki, but I believe the “rules and policies” are off limits. They are to me, anyway…)
Thanks everyone for the pointers. It was not my intent to criticize. I needed help navigating my way through.