Event Reminder Email

Has anyone ever received an email with the body:

This is a reminder that you have an event starting soon at Dallas Makerspace.


Full event details are available at https://calendar.dallasmakerspace.org/events/view/event-id

Dallas Makerspace

In the code, this email should be sending the immediate day before the event is scheduled, however the code looks buggy so I’m not sure this email is going out.

Is this email something we want? Should we change it to 12/8/6/4 hours before the start time of the event?


I read those emails when I receive them.

Of the two classes I’ve registered for last week, I only received one email reminder. So I think, it’s only working under certain circumstances. 24 hours and an 8 hour reminder might be helpful.

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Is the email you got “This is a reminder that you don’t have much time left to cancel your RSVP” ?


Yes: “This is a reminder that you don’t have much time left to cancel your RSVP for the following event. If you are still planning on attending you can ignore this reminder.”

Actually I only received this for 1 out of 3 classes it seems. Do you need to know which classes, sent me a reminder and which didn’t, to help narrow it down?

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Other than the initial confirmation email I have only gotten the “cancellation cutoff is soon” emails.


Same here, and I hate the wording of it It is a negative message, not a positive one,

It doesn t remind folks of WHEN the class.event is.

Something along the lines of " Don t forger that you have a class in underwater
basket weaving in the pool at DMS tomorrow night at 11 pm. If you can t make it, please cancel by midnight tonight so another student can sign up

You are then being reminded of the time, location and class and ghere is a little self shaming if you can t attend and don t cancel

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