Evaluation of drum dust level in progress

We have attached a sensor that will cause a red light to flash when it senses the level of sawdust in the dust collector drum getting near the top. Adjustments to the sensor sensitivity and or physical placement may be necessary depending on how it is reacting to flow and fill. If you see it flashing, not just flickering, it is telling you it is near full and ready to be emptied. If it is full and not flashing, please let me know OR if likewise, if it is not full and it is flashing, I need to know that as well. Also note that this has nothing to do with the filter. If filter is clogged and drum is empty, the light will not flash. You must continue to watch the vacuum level indicator.
YOUR FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED. I may also leave a note in area to provide instant feedback from those emptying the drum.


In a previous lifetime, I was a WCM / Lean guru and one thing that drove me crazy (and still does) is seeing a gauge with numbers on it. Can we paint a green / red / yellow band on the gauge so that ANYONE that looks at it can immediately tell whether the system is working. I’ve been a woodshop user for a long time, and other than ‘if it’s relatively in the middle’ I have NO IDEA what is actually good or not.



Thanks, Jeff. Two questions:

  1. Which drum/collector was this placed on? Bigger (older) one, Smaller (newer) one, or both?

  2. Also, is this the same solution that Walter was working on, outlined here: WoodshopDustManagementSystem - Dallas Makerspace? Asking because that solution had a loud, non-ignorable alarm incorporated.

This is the dust collector close to the line of lathes.

Yes, this is the accumulation of parts Walter was working with.

I am looking to install it in phases.
Phase 1 (As is now, still evaluating) sensor installed and red light flashes when full
Phase 2 Add the non-ignorable alarm
Phase 3 Add method to send email to Andrew when drum is full

Agreed, I too, did not know for the longest time if pointer at 1 was good or pointer at 5 was good.

The red light aspect is straight forward enough, but even so, filter condition has no bearing on red light coming on or not.
I will put either the color dial you like or at a minimum some instructions as to what you should do when it reads3, 4 or higher.
Good suggestion

Which microcontroller(s) did you bring to bear? Raspberry Pi?

Are you open to a dramatically different suggestion? (That accomplishes the same thing by side effect.)

The Raspberry Pi is what I was handed. I am not familiar with it and will need assistance if we go that direction.
YES, I am very open to suggestions.

What voltages are available to run the alarm? I have an assortment of Sonalert alarms from Fred’s warehouse.

Currently, the method for reporting problems (like the drum needs to be emptied) is to create a thread on this forum under Issues & Requests. The forum software (Discourse) has an API. The Raspberry Pi is quite capable of interacting with that API. So, my suggestion is…

• When the alarm triggers
• Create a thread on this forum
• Under Issues & Requests
• That includes the moniker for the woodshop committee (@ T e a m _ W o o d s h o p)
• With a deadband of at least one day

That has the side effect of emailing Andrew. But it lets a much broader audience know about the problem so if someone wants to volunteer to help they can. It also creates a historical artifact of what happened and when. Armed with that information the Woodshop Committee can penalize anyone who habitually ignores the alarm or commend those who respond to the alarm. That information may help establish a schedule for emptying the drum. Etcetera.

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I am told 5 v but I have not done any research to confirm that.

I will certainly need your help in doing this. When the time comes I will be looking for assistance. But, if it is something you feel can be started now let me know and I will get with you sooner than later.

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The link you provided is exactly the information I thought I was going to have to figure out.
Thanks, very helpful.

Sounds good. I’m back in town for the foreseeable future so traveling will no longer be a hindrance.

As far as I can tell a Discourse instance has one universal API key. If that’s true there needs to be a bit of software in the middle to protect the key.

We will need someone with administrator privileges to enable the API, generate a key, and give us a copy. My guess is that @Team_Infrastructure, at a minimum, needs to have a say in the plan.

As the plan moves forward there will need to be a place to host the software-in-the-middle. I have access to a Linux virtual box on the JUMP server that will work. But there may be a better more permanent choice.

I may get some from you. I just put a 5v square wave on the 1739 Piezo and am unimpressed with the what I heard.
I have access to a burglar alarm style speaker horn that I will pick up Friday for evaluation.

I have removed the sensor from the drum and am starting phase 2, incorporating an audio alarm.
The piezo elements provided underwhelmed me, so I am looking into something beefer.

An alarm bell would work best. They have plenty of harmonics so that even those with hearing losses in ranges can hear them.

JUST REPORTING IN: Yes, I was abducted by aliens but they brought me back after a few days finding nothing of interest in me with anything they probed. I also have been working 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I exaggerate just a little. What I am trying to say is, I am not where I thought I would be on this project by now, but I still intend to see it through to the end. Next few weeks look busy as well. I have some time off work late April that I can devote to the project if not finished by then.