Hey Guys
Im trying to measure interest in a class Idea that Ive been thinking about.
The class is called “Designing Signs and Billboards in Adobe Illustrator from concept to reality”
The name is a work in progress
The class/workshop would cover:
Signage Layout - Go through several contemporary designs and begin designing a unique sign.
Typography Design - Would go through several real life examples and create several designs.
Fonts and best practices - Where to find and use fonts. Best types of fonts to use, and how to fix or avoid certain issues that may arise.
Design concept preview. - Use the 3D functionality in Illustrator to make a preview or the sign.
File Preparation
this class is still early in concept and Im only trying to see how many people would like to take it.
Adobe? No. I’m more likely to offer a DMS donation reward for not running an adobe product class. Inkscape, sure. Gimp, sure. Illustrator? How much would it cost to not run that class? To each their own, of course.
You’re more than welcome to teach a class on open source design software. Lambasting a class teaching those who wish to learn to use commercial programs that are widely adopted throughout professional industries seems like an odd anti-educational stance to take.
No lambasting, and I’ve nothing whatsoever against the class or its interested parties. Adobe has done more harm than nearly any other software company, and it sickens me to think of them continuing to harvest good people’s money for their deeply flawed products. I’d go so far as to offer money to take a tiny fraction away from them.
@MichaelPursifull - It is my hope that you leverage your passion for Open Source tools to teach. Adobe Illustrator is an industry standard, and I am very happy that DMS members have a. the skill set, and b. the willingness to teach.
@macapaka - Please add me to the list. Does this class require any previous AI experience? Mine is very limited, but would love to learn more about eye catching sign creation…Thank you for all of the great work!
My concerns are not driven by a preference for open source. They are about a really terrible company who knowingly and irresponsibly make terrible (sometimes criminally bad) software and have been laughing all the way to the bank for years and years. I’ll keep my peace and hope some of you look into it. Or drink the coolaide, it’s your choice. In either case, good luck.
@MichaelPursifull - I understand what you are communicating. I am asking if you are willing to teach a project based class leveraging Inkscape. I am sure the members would love having a few of these tools under their belts!
I understand the topic to be gauging interest in an adobe illustrator project class. I’ve provided my interest, yes on the class, no on the choice of tools.
I would offer $500 to any party of your choosing if the project class were run using any software other than something from Adobe.
I would be a terrible instructor for any specific application. I don’t learn them, I simply use them. I don’t believe in learning an application. I’ve been making computers do work for me for a few decades now, and I never bother spending time learning a GUI. I barely spend time on any specific programming language, let alone an application. Regular expressions? Sure. Golden ratios, complementary colors, scene balance, perspective, any concept, absolutely. But someone’s idea of workflow as implemented in a graphical toolkit using MFC or object brokers, or whatever theory of UX is in vogue? Not worth the brain cells.
Apologies for the distraction, but input was solicited. The offer stands $500 donation to any organization of your choosing to run this class using any software that is not from Adobe. And no hard feelings if you use Adobe. It’s not anyone here that I’m the least bit upset with, not even if you use their software. You will not hear one more word from me on the topic.
I don’t get what just happened here… Learning design is not as simple as learning a GUI… Adobe and any other application are only the tools to get things done…lets just say that all of the concepts that Im going to go through can be applied and used by any free or other wise programs that offer the same functionality.
Design and creating signs is not limited to Adobe.
I hope makerspace will stay a positive place for people to come and learn / teach.
This class is very early in development. Previous Illustrator experience is not necessary.