I know this is a bit vague, as it will obviously depend on the design, but I’d like to figure out how long it would take to cut 12 roughly 1/4" holes through .093" acrylic sheet. Anyone have a general idea on that?
Ugh. Let’s not blanket encourage this. Doesn’t pertain to all acrylic in all situations. Technique, correct materials, and choosing the Zing over the Thunders is the better way to go.
The Zing is all cowbell. At $8,000 new, its price rivals the Thunder Nova 35s.
Incredible resolution at 1200dpi vs a Thunder’s 1000dpi if you swap out its head.
Stamp making features.
3D engraving.
Easy to learn .pdf interface.
We are fortunate to own one. Am told a Chair acquired it used at a steep discount. I’ve heard $2000???
Honestly, as a committee offering classes, we haven’t begun to tap its potential.
I’ve seen beautiful work out of the Zing from Samantha Strickland @samrdye, so all must be well. How long before @talkers trains her to instruct our Laser 102 Zing Basics class?