While cutting out a zombie, I noticed that the laser was burning two, parallel lines at the same time. The line to the left was faint, but sufficient to mark the wood, and the second burned much deeper. Moreover, the double line varies from faint to dark over the course of the cut…
As part of trouble shooting, I checked: 1) my drawing for errors, 2) checked the laser height at the starting position(s), and 3) attempted to cut in the upper-left and lower-right quadrant of Donner’s workspace. I did not see any isues in the drawing. I noticed the double lines were worst as the laser moved further down and to the left from the starting position (cut started at upper left and the cut was approximatley 10"Hx8"W). The double lines seemed worse at the lower left quadrant of the work space. Hope that helps.
I left the zombie with double lines showing…
feel free to text me at 469-200-9727 for clarification.
John Gaffke