Empty Bowls is coming up . Please think about making a bowl and donating it. The event will be held in early March, to the deadline in in Feb. If we have folks interested in donating, I will handle delivering them.
This is a charity event for the Dallas Food Bank. Folks buy an artisan made bowl and then they will choose to have if filled with soup from some of the finer restaurants in Dallas.
Bowls can be ceramic, or any other usable material
@Cairenn_Day how many bowls have you received? I saw an advertisement for Empty Bowls at Trinity this last weekend. When is the deadline for giving the bowls?
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I have none right now from M S, I will have mine from Northlake. They will take them up until late Feb—If I only have a few, I can add them to the ones from Northlake.
Let me see what I can put together. If I can collect a few where should I leave them for you?
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If you put a note on them, leave them under the desk in Jewelry. I will be out tomorrow, and some on Thurs and some on Fri and then Sat night.