Embroidery machine difficulties

I was in today trying to use the embroidery machine, and couldn’t get it to work correctly. I put the embroidery foot onto the machine, and when the foot was lowered, the hoop portion of the foot was at an angle to the fabric, not parallel. When I tried to sew, I broke a needle.

Is there something I missed?


Either the foot wasn’t correctly installed, it was the incorrect foot, or the foot was broken. Most likely the foot wasn’t completely installed correctly.

I checked the foot against the pics in the manual. It was the foot with
the “Q”…the only thing i am not sure about is the feed dog position. Was
it supposed to be up ordown?

As far as you can tell, did your installation look like this?


Yes. The white plastic lever was behind the needle flange, the screw
connecting it to the machine was in the top hole. The hoop of the foot was
parallel to the fabric until the presser foot lever was released, at which
time the hoop on the foot was no longer parallel to the fabric but was at
an angle where the front of the hoop was off the fabric about 1/8 to1/4
inch and the back of the hoop was just behind where the needle enters

Do the feed dogs need to be disengaged?


No, the feed dogs do not need to be disengaged. The machine is smart enough to do that when it senses that it will be in the embroidery mode (hoop is attached, or card is inserted).

Has anyone had a chance to look at the machine?

No sorry. I am on travel for two weeks.

Ok. Thanx.

Safe travels!


Sorry to take so long. I just got back and went to the Space today. Long story short … I fiddled with it and then used it and now it works fine.

It looks a little hinky when the presser foot is up, but when it’s down it’s where it should be.
