For the “Practical Projects Series: Patio Furniture - Outdoor Couch” class on Friday the description advises to email the instructor for which location they will be meeting at to buy wood, but there is no contact information. How am I supposed to email Joe King to get this information? I made another post about this class with information about lumber sizes with no responses so I don’t think Joe gets on Talk.
I’ll pm you Joe’s email. I don’t think he is on Talk at all.
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Thank you Stan.
blah blah blah
Can you email me too? I was looking for the email address also, and didnt see it on talk or the wiki.
If anyone know’s Joe’s phone number would you mind calling/texting and asking where he plans to meet to buy lumber as he has not responded to my email. I am fine buying the wood on my own, but if we are doing it as a class I’d like to participate.
Can I get Joe King’s email as well? Couldn’t find it on Talk.
Joe King is known on talk as @worldcloud
Thanks! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks, Thanks… had to fill 20 characters for this post to through
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