Electronics Committee Meeting - October 15th 7pm

We need to have a committee meeting to discuss the election of a committee chair. Also would like to get member on needs and any other issues members want to be addressed.

Please suggest dates that would work for you to have a committee meeting.

Regarding the chair, this is my statement of intent to continue if elected as Electronics Committee Chair.

I would like to chair for one more 6 month term to complete my plan for electronics. Short list:

Sell/Giveaway/Donate electronics surplus parts. Mostly the surface mount parts (i.e. Black Tower of Doom).
On the wall shelving for black parts bins. Intent to get them to one layer deep and facing out.
All four benches to have a common set of gear: Soldering Iron, Fume Extractor, Lighted Magnifier, DMM
Sell/Giveaway/Donate old gear

Would like to transition to a new chair in February. So if anyone would like to serve in the spring let me know, I can give you an idea of what the job entails.


Anyone have specific dates to avoid or days they prefer?

Thursday evening or Saturday afternoon are easiest for me to get to the Space.

I have sat on my hands on this topic so far because The Space has reached firehose status for me; I find that I cannot attend every class or event I find interesting, sort of like trying to drink from a firehose. Luckily some classes are repeated.

Just schedule it and if I have a conflict, so be it.

Ok, going with October 15th @ 7pm.


Hmmm… no food but promises of giving away loot is easier on the waistline. A healthier strategy I suppose than some candidates.

Bring 1 gallon zip lock bags and you can stuff it with surface mount parts for a $1. You have to leave the parts in the original packaging though!

We will discuss the distribution of these parts in the meeting.

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Reminder that our committee meeting is tomorrow night at 7pm.

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I, Walter Anderson, am providing Ken Purcell my proxy to vote in the upcoming Electronics committee meeting.
Version: GnuPG v1



I am helping to admin an Amateur Radio exam session on Thursday evening so I will not be able to make this meeting. Above is my proxy for you to vote on my behalf.


Well since only Art and myself attended the meeting, we decided to sell everything in the room and buy bitcoin mining gear.

Just kidding, we need to determine a few things and I guess doing so here on talk is about as good as any.

Our agenda was:

Recommend a chair for electronics to the board. I will serve one more term until the next cycle if the committee so decides. Anyone else interested?

Budget Status: ~$350

Classes: encourage members to teach classes!

Tools: what do we need short and long term?

Parts, parts, parts: what to do with all the floor covering parts.

Add your comments below and we can have a virtual meeting.

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First I would like to say thanks for being the chair person for the electronics.
You have my vote to continue serving in that role. My suggestion for all the parts. I would think it would be fun to do workshop using some of those parts and let the people who attend use and keep with the project. Is there anyway to get an inventory of those parts to use for a workshop. Also maybe give some of them away in a small package as a door prize at the end of the workshop to the people who attended.
You mentioned to teach more classes. I agree but the only room that is good to use for teaching electronics using parts is the Interactive Classroom and that room is sometimes hard to get or hard to keep if a board meeting happens on the night of your workshop. I have been bump out twice. Need to be able to use an area that has workbenches to use laptops and breadboards with devices connected. Just my suggestions. Best regards Rusty

There’s the rub. Nobody knows what parts are in that room, or how to find what they want quickly. Most of what I’ve found hasn’t been useful to what I was trying to do.

Sorry I couldn’t make the meeting - life has been conspiring to prevent me from coming to the space as much as I’ve wanted lately.

Anyhow thanks Ken for what you’ve been doing - and for being open to chair Electronics another round…

@tron did an immense amount of work sorting and organizing the SMT parts. But most members are not really using too many of them. Same with through-hole parts unless they are indexed and searchable via a database most are not going to dig past the surface.

I use the through hole parts all the time - but alas, I am just one lady.