Hello…first post here! I have a large warehouse in Richardson Texas which used to house an R&D lab for MRI magnetic device research. The company doing that work has moved on and I am left with a bewildering amount of electric and electronic “Maker” type surplus. I thought of this community when the opportunity first came up and am just now reaching out. I have project cases, Soldering irons, Thousands of electrical connectors and junction boxes. Surface mount components, wire, solder, anti-static mats, Stainless and Brass hardware (they were working with live MRI magnets so much of the surplus is medical grade non-magnetic hardware). I’m looking to sell it cheap to support my own hobbies! If anyone is interested in looking through it, I am in the middle of prepping it for a liquidation sale, and would love to have members of this community browse the items and comment. Hopefully you may find some treasures I have missed in all the parts bins, drawers etc.
How about this Saturday 11/9 between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM?
Chase Medical
885 East Collins Boulevard, Suite 110
Richardson, TX 75081 USA
Come around to our dock entrance behind Gold Finance.