I don’t remember for sure, but weren’t we interested in EEG at one point?
I’ve been snooping around and I think that there are some low cost options available.
I might put some money towards them, I’ve been reading about brain entrainment and wouldn’t mind doing some experiments. But I can’t justify buying a machine just for me.
I am now working on my Biomedical Engineering degree and have a keen interest in Human Physiology signal monitoring. I know BioPac has a EEG setup, but it is pretty pricy. I saw what I believe is the Arduino Shield that you and Walter are referring to (Duinopeak ECG/EKG/EMG Shield for Arduino?) so I would be interested in looking at that.
The Brain Sensing Headband looks like it uses a somewhat similar concept used in the Star Wars Force Trainer that came out several years ago with the technology developed by a company called Neurosky:
and in fact if you Wiki Neurosky, you will see that the parent company for the Headband, InterAxon, develops custom software for the hardware made by Neurosky:
The last of the items I ordered for this should arrive today. I picked up a TENS 3000 unit for sending the motor control signals to the hand, and the following items from Backyard Brains]
DIY Muscle SpikerShield
Large Muscle Electrodes
So, whenever we can schedule a get together to assemble and test these would be great! Or if you prefer I can assemble the DIY board myself and we can focus solely on combining it with the TENS unit and the experiment discussed in the links above. Just let me know!
and for future potential projects I ordered two of their bare circuit boards
El Cheapo (I believe a device for controlling bugs neurosystems)
and the El Cheapo Muscle SpikerShield (This is the same board used in the item above)