Let this serve as our official notice of a Special Election.
Our regular monthly meeting does not meet the rules for 2 weeks public notice.
I will not be running for Laser Chair.
It was an honor to serve the Laser community.
Team Laser is a fabulous group. To any potential candidates…they will make you look good.
EDIT: We are in good organizational health. Much is turnkey or delegated. The instructors work well together. A small group responds to down machines. A large group shows up once a month to give everything a good scrubbing. There is food.
Hi everyone, I’m Andrew and I’m running for Laser Chair in the upcoming election.
I’m interested in helping get team laser through the expansion and make sure the space is setup well for everyone for the future. The biggest issues I would like to help laser solve are queue size and machine repeatability. Nobody likes having to wait in line to use a machine and then waste material and time once you get on the machine because the settings you used last time aren’t working anymore.
I’m hoping to work with the laser committee to try to get more consistent results out of the Thunder lasers and work on trying to get another machine in our new home that is better suited for larger raster jobs. In addition, I hope to work with committee members to build a simple-to-use time tracking system to make it simpler to track how long your current session’s cut time is and how much you should pay.
Feel free to DM me here on talk or talk to me around the space if you have any thoughts, concerns or comments. Thanks!
The best way for any member interested in Laser to understand what’s been going on for the past 6-7 months with @Team_Laser is to start attending, and regularly attend Laser Committee meetings and being involved at the Committee and maintenance level.
For example, we unanimously approved our post-expansion floor plan at our last laser Committee meeting. We also discussed, in detail, a new Laser usage rule that we also voted on unanimously.
We currently have a very strong and involved Committee, and the recent success of Laser is a direct reflection of our continually involved Committee members.
We have another Committee meeting coming up; Come (re-) join us!