ELab update 6-29-2018

ELab now has a multi-chemistry battery workstation and accessories. Details here:

Parts are in a plastic bin on the shelf to the right of the Mouser sign.

>>Please do not leave charging/discharging batteries unattended in the ELab.<<

Probably the best pwr sply to use when charging is the TekPower HY3010E. 0-30Vdc at up to 10A…

Reminder: Put tools/equipment back up. Clean up after yourself. Do not leave your stuff in the ELab. Thanks


The now defunct Aerospace Committee had a very nice Li-Po charger. I think it may still be in offsite storage. Rescue it?

May be time to do an “archeological dig” in the off site storage. Anyone know where their stuff got put??

on the shelves of #1000, it’s all labeled aerospace.

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Let’s check it out next off siting.

BTW Didn’t see proj storage renewal (07/01/18 - this Sun) or next off siting (07/08/18) on the Event Cal.

Renewal is tomorrow at noon in the common room. Offsiting is up to volunteers that aren’t me this time. I’m out of town.

Thanks for the heads up.
Might want to post to Event Cal w/ “Up to Y’all” in the title. :cry::scream::crazy_face: