@heyheymama - I was so proud of my posting until I saw your professional looking image that makes mine look downright nerdy. Thank you very much! All of us have so much to learn with the mix of talents at DMS. I’m learning from you about how to present my classes while @Kriskat30 is asking me about Arduino for her art projects.
For those who did not notice, Stephenie’s Number One Son got top billing for his Sensors for Fun and Non Profit class. Its our most popular offering but I’m working to catch up.
I did. He and I exchanged many messages about getting true random numbers out of an AVR processor. I started the project. He got it working. Some little bit of his library is my code.
This looks like a great idea for at least a couple of classes. I’m not interested in doing them but I will throw out a couple of ideas and would be available to help someone develop them.
Clearly the construction part would be a great class but would probably be interesting to a limited number of people.
Classes are much easier and generate a lot more interest if all parts are furnished. The cost/preparation/logistics of the led arrays creates difficulties here. Why not develop a simple Processing program which displays the LED arrays on the PC screen and reads the serial port? Walter’s program couple be modified to also send the data out the serial port. This could generate a wide interest and anyone with an Arduino could repeat the fun at home. ELab has Unos and cables available now. @artg_dms
My classes use Arduino in the title even if they actually use Wemos ESP8266 boards. Beginners might recognize Arduino when Microcontroller/Embedded/… may not get their attention.