Why does our Dyson eat batteries? Is this indicative of a larger problem with the unit?
I removed the Dyson (with permission), and will return it Tuesday evening. If anyone else wants to do trouble-shooting on it, that would be welcomed.
In May 2018 we received a new “power pack” (i.e., battery) for our Dyson. Prior to that it was completely dead - didn’t take a charge. The Dyson ran for a short period of time after receiving the new battery but is once again dead.
Current Test
It’s not the charger. I used a second charger, for an identical unit, for an overnight charge. No joy. It also fails to take a charge in that charger (eliminating the charger as the probable culprit, IMO).
FWIW, it’s a $300 vacuum. Replacement battery packs are $82 (although last time I talked them into sending us one for free because we’re a non-profit).