Dyson V6 Motorhead (galley) vacuum

Why does our Dyson eat batteries? Is this indicative of a larger problem with the unit?

I removed the Dyson (with permission), and will return it Tuesday evening. If anyone else wants to do trouble-shooting on it, that would be welcomed.


In May 2018 we received a new “power pack” (i.e., battery) for our Dyson. Prior to that it was completely dead - didn’t take a charge. The Dyson ran for a short period of time after receiving the new battery but is once again dead.

Current Test

It’s not the charger. I used a second charger, for an identical unit, for an overnight charge. No joy. It also fails to take a charge in that charger (eliminating the charger as the probable culprit, IMO).


FWIW, it’s a $300 vacuum. Replacement battery packs are $82 (although last time I talked them into sending us one for free because we’re a non-profit).


I might be able to build a pack from the old one, depending on how anti-consumer they are with the electronics UVLO.

Alternatively, amazon looks like they have replacements in the ~$30 range.


I saw the list of replacement batteries on Amazon.


When you get a chance, can you please look at the list and recommend one of them? @PearceDunlap will order a replacement if we can give him a link.

As long as it says it’s compatible, that’s really all you can do on Amazon. They are probably all refurbs using cheap cells, but at 1/3rd of the price it’s hard to argue.

Why not check with Batteries Plus to see how much they would charge to rebuild it? I’ve had them rebuild some packs way cheaper than you can buy in the store.

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