Dyna Torch Super B

I was poking around on the cncshopandservice.com (DynaTorch Super B) website looking for a copy of the manual in PDF. Couldn’t find one. I am wary of downloading manuals off the 'net. Is there a copy in DMS ? If so, how do I access it?
Also, I noticed that cncshopandservice recommends monthly lubing of linear bearings and torch bearing with Mystik Lube JT6-2 lithium grease. Is this something that we are doing? I suspect the manual has more recommendations.

I copied the manual, Ill have to look through my emails to see if I have it as PDF. We do have a copy in the metal shop too (original copy). We have in the past lubed the rails & tested the ground. We have the grease & grease gun in the older teacher cabinet.

Cool. If there is a PDF, I volunteer to paste it into the Dyna torch “wiki” (that is if I am allowed to). I will also research the required maintenance schedule and present it to the Metal Shop meeting this Sat for discussion. If no PDF available, I can scan the manual.

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I just got a PDF.zip of the Super B manual sent directly from Russell Johnson at Cncshopandservice!
I opened it and it is a good copy.
Where/how can I post it???

We have to be very careful about posting manuals and other work from other companies, as we have received take-down requests for such copyrighted material in the past.


DynaTorch closed its doors March 2020…

I received the pdf.zip directly from Russell Johnson, the CEO of Cncshopandservice and

the former CEO of DynaTorch. My email stated that the manual was for use at DMS.

Shall I ask for written permission from Mr. Johnson to post the PDF on DMS wiki?



We can put it on the committee drive


Just let me know what to do.
I read the routine preventative maintenance section.
There are things that need to be done periodically. If they are being done, great!
if not, perhaps something to do after the Metal Shop meetings???

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