DTG printer, let's build one?

Anyone here have access to a DTG printer? And if not, has anyone made their own?

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Talk to Nick Sainz, he has one and can give you the lowdown. I think I remember the big issue is with the white pigmented ink. It needs to be recirculated and clogs easily.

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Do you have any contact info for Nick Sainz?

I do but not sure if I publish it without asking. Let me invite him to this thread.


Hi Chris and Ken,

This is Nick Sainz. I have Viper DTG printer at my office. I would suggest being careful when stepping into the world of DTG printers. There are many issues with the white ink options. But, if your interested I can definitely help, I have a lot of information and informed opinions on the process.

My contact info: Cell 214-789-5248, Email [email protected]

Best of luck,
Nick Sainz