Merry Christmas. The drill press is slipping again. If you look down from the top there is a pulley that is held in place by two 1/4" retaining pins. One of the pins has slipped out again. This time I couldn’t spot it anywhere in the pan so it has likely fallen out. If someone is so inclined we need a 1/4" pin set into that pulley. Even a cut down 1/4" bolt will work. I just didn’t have time to do it last night.
The drill press still works but will slip or stall if under a lot of pressure so I would consider it degraded. I’ll be there Tuesday evening if no one can do it.
Last night the drill press was slipping so much that some members couldn’t complete the easiest of tasks; in fact, it got to where it wouldn’t turn the spindle at all under zero torque.
I could see from on top basically what Nick has described. It appeared that only one dowel pin remained and even it wouldn’t sit in deeply enough to engage the sacrificial plastic spline to hub adapter to the hub. I saw that there were a couple of the holes in the hub that could align with holes in the plastic piece which could take a 1/4" bolt. Into one of these I threaded a 1/4" socket head bolt. Made a good snug fit. machine sounded good in low and high speed afterward. Didn’t get into torque load testing of any kind though. The spindle spline is still only connected to the hub via the sacrificial plastic piece so I hope that this repair is prudent. Perhaps, the second threaded hole should also be bolted? Why were dowel pins used instead of bolts? If not good, why are there these bolt positions?
thank you for doing that. I had a bad couple of days here, so could not get away to fix that,. As you say, it might be best to use 2nd bolt if the other hole is already threaded.
I can take a look when I get a chance. I’ve been working in Tyler the past couple weeks, commuting each day. I’m slated to be there a couple more days.
I added the second bolt today, but not any Loc-tite. Let’s see if loosing is a problem. Bolts should be a lot more resistant to coming out than dowel pins.