Hi all,
I live in walnut hill on a street impacted by the tornado… Yesterday there were two trees taken down to the stump in one yard and a third tree that had a major trim. My tree identification capabilities are non-existent so I can’t tell you what species they are. I took a fair # of pictures (below) and tried to capture both the bark & the interior. I know that my street was filled with oak, pecan & osage orange trees. Unfortunately, I could not locate any walnuts. These are all quite large and will require dollies, truck, trailer, etc.
Trees #1 & #2 – these are at a house that is scheduled to be demolished @ 3822 Martha Lane. They are located in the front yard. I’m not sure when they are scheduled to be removed from the property. I can try to get in touch with the property owner, but I’m not sure where they relocated to as they had just finished re-habbing the house & moved in three days prior to total destruction.
Here’s what the front yard looked like pre-tornado which show the two trees, maybe that will help with identification…
Here’s the house & downed trees as of this afternoon:
Tree #1 – up to 3 or 4 feet in diameter with pieces ranging from 3-5 feet
Tree #2 – huge base of trunk - probably 4’ high and 4’ in diameter. Some are 18" diameter & probably 3’ long
Tree #3 – in front of 3803 Martha Lane
The third one is already curbside on the street so it’s definitely available. This one does appear to have some internal rot on maybe 1/2 of the logs, but others appear clean. These are 12-18" diameter and probably 3-4’ in length.
Finally, yesterday I noticed a huge trunk section from the base of the tree. At a minimum, it’s probably 4’ in a diameter & 10’ long. I didn’t drive home that way tonight, but I can check in the morning to see if it’s still there. It is on Betty Jane, less than a block off Merrel on the west side of the street. Here’s what the yard looked like pre-tornado, I think this is the tree that’s now a huge trunk section: