Dot Circle in RDWorks?

I made a circle of dots in AI, but when I import the file into RDWorks it reverts to a solid line circle. Is there something simple I’m missing to fix this? In the end, I’m wanting a solid circle with a slightly smaller circle of just dots inside it (six in each quadrant actually)

Did you use an .ai file in RDWORKS? Try a DXF file if the .ai file format fails.
I’ve experienced some funkiness with RDWORKS on imports in particular.

Just tried saving as a DXF in Inkscape and sadly same thing happened, solid line in RDWorks. Thanks for the suggestion though :slight_smile:

I’m using ‘dash’ stroke to create the dots, so I’m guessing it’s some issue with RDWorks reading the stroke format

You’re correct. If you stroke something with dashes, the actual vector isn’t dashed. It’s a solid line.


In order to create what you’ve described, you’re going to need to draw individual vector circles.


You have to change this in Illustrator.

  1. Select the dotted circle.
  2. Object >> Path >> Outline Stroke

That should do it, but you may then need to.

  1. Right Click circle >> ungroup
  2. Right click circle >> Release Compound Path.

Then you will have a circle shape of individual circles.


I do something similar when making stitching holes for leather patterns to be lasered. I use Inkscape, mostly because it’s free and I already know it.

I draw a line to make the hole on, then make a circle the size of the spacing between the holes. I drop a bunch of small circles on the the drawing, then move and align them close to the line, using the spacing circle to get the spacing right. Once complete, I use the Align and Distribute tool to even up the spacing and alignment.

In your case, you might draw the dashed line, then drop a small circle on top of each dash on the line pattern, then delete the dashed link once done. I’d recommend that you also group all the circles into one group to make handling them easier and minimize the chance of accidentally bumping one out of position.

Update: Or do what @Webdevel said - that sounds a lot easier in AI.


@Webdevel is correct,
Another way to do what Webdevel suggests is to expand the object. This is under the “Object” drop down in the upper left. It gives you the option of Expand and Expand Appearance. If “Expand” is greyed out, do “Expand Appearance” and then run “Expand” after that.


This actually seems a better way to do it with fewer steps.


If you want to do this with Inkscape:

  1. Select the dotted circle
  2. Path >> Stroke to Path

I also recommend turning on Outline view before saving the file to see what the vectors are actually doing.

  1. View >> Display mode >> Outline
  2. View >> Display mode >> Normal