Don't Leave Your Mess in Laser

Please clean up after yourself in the laser area. Notice these boards left most of the day in the laser area? Not cool. Not even usable scrap. Take your leftover material to the dumpster and don’t leave it to someone else to clean up after you.


I know the area itself is a mess right now, but we don’t need any help with people leaving unusable scrap (trash) behind.

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@Bejuled101 does not actively use Talk. I will speak with her and her husband when I see them next.


Thank you, Stephanie!

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Mentally adding a Clear Scrap reminder to future bulletin board.

So sorry. It was an honest mistake on our part. We do normally take our used boards to the dumpster. We do leave the laser area clean for the next person to use. Unfortunately, today we forgot the boards. My bad!!!


That’s ok! We all forget sometimes, and I’ve just been meaning to post a reminder for a while since things just tend to accumulate on the worktable and desks that have to be cleared away. Sorry I used you as the example for this.

Thank you for what you do to keep the space neat and clean :slight_smile:


I saw them take a piece of scrap to the dumpster yesterday so I believe it was just an honest mistake.


It probably was an honest mistake, i.e. not ill intentioned. But still a mistake/infraction, and one we consistently ignore and make excuses for all the time. Which is why most parts of the ‘Space looks like a friggin’ pigsty or a frat house most of the time. Except where actual enforcement occurs like Machine Shop and Electronics.

In this particular case I am more than a little bothered because:

  1. They were on the laser a really long time. Like all day. I know,because I was waiting. All day. So there was ample time to think about doing what was already understood needed to happen, i.e. take scrap out.

  2. Their projects (and scrap) are really distinctive, as you can see. I am sure more than a few people recognize it, since they left similar pieces the last time, although admittedly they were left in the usable leftover sheet scrap area just a few feet in to the back of the picture. So this is not the first time, really, since leaving unusable scrap, even in the scrap area, is not OK.

  3. Lastly, just depositing these large pieces in the dumpster, as is, is not a great idea either, unless they can lay flat inside it. If they are sticking up or out or positioned diagonally inside, they are taking up room which we need for other garbage, trash, etc. We have exactly the same problem with people who use Multicam on large pieces and don’t cut them down to size with table saw, band saw, or a circular saw.

All this is a lot like driving responsibly…it takes quite a bit, mentally, to drive safely, defensively and legally. It’s not OK to plead ignorance or “I forgot” or “I followed the law a few miles back” to a policeman when you forget or don’t care to notice what the speed limit is…you still get a ticket. This is something we all learned as teenagers…why do we think it’s suddenly OK once we walk into the Makerspace to act worse than teenagers? (I didn’t want some people to have to overtax their brains, so I provided a hint below.)

spoiler: Because in the misguided belief in a sense of faux-community and idiotic notion the “being excellent” means not holding people accountable, the people that are most responsible for insuring rules are followed and penalties enforced consistently signal that in fact, rules don’t really need to be followed at all. It happened in this very thread right in front of your eyes.


My hope is that by pointing out examples of bad behavior (whether a mistake or intentional) it will help everyone be more cognizant of their own behavior and leave the space more clean than they found it.

When I can identify repeat offenders they will receive a warning. And if I need help identifying someone I will reach out privately to those I think can help. My goal isn’t to shame an individual, but to try and correct the messy tendencies of many members.

That said if members see others breaking rules or not cleaning up after themselves, you can send me a message to look into it and take appropriate action.

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And your response here, and above (“That’s ok!”) is exactly why we have on ongoing “bad behavior” problem in many ares of the 'Space.

Ooooohhhh…a warning. For a “repeat” offense. “I really really really mean it this, time, Billy. If you do it again I’ll…give you another warning”. We are all trembling.


You’re welcome to give it a try and see how it goes. (meaning being chair and having to deal with the multitude of issues that arise)



  1. Depositing these pieces in vertical storage without any storage tag is just downright ugly. We’ve off-sited many in the past and did some more this past weekend. This behavior is not cool either as vertical storage isn’t for trash pieces and items must be tagged so we know whose is whose and how long it has been there.
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The problem is for the Marshall Plan (he he…a little historical reference for all the history buffs out there), I’d need to be Chair of all Chairs…then you could Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

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What enforcement in Electronics? The posting of a few pictures is enforcement? No wonder the problem keeps getting worse, there are no consequences for the bad behavior.

In the meantime then just help chairs by letting them know when something is wrong. I can’t fix things I don’t know are going on… so just PM me a time/date and what was observed. Yes I see mess when I’m at the space but I can only scroll through so much footage before going crazy.

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Need a banner printed that says that in large letter?

There are reminders to clean up after yourself on the sign you made for us, just need to get it and hang it :wink: I’ll be up probably Friday and this weekend if you can bring it then, or just leave it over by the wall by the Zing.